Saturday, January 19, 2019

Democrats Must Maintain Momentum to 2020

The tide against Donald Trump continues to run strong as evidenced by the third Women’s March against the President around the country today (Saturday, January 19, 2018) . In my city of San Jose, California, the turnout, contrary to what some had feared because of internal rifts in the leadership, was large, vocal and inspiring.

Over 20,000 San Joseans began gathering in front of City Hall as early as 10 AM and later marched to Arena Green East, demanding an end to Trump’s misrule, sheer incompetence and misogyny. “Stop the War on Women,” we shouted in unison. “Love Trumps Hate.” “Here’s to Strong Women: Be Them. Know Them. Raise Them.” “We Are Here To Stay.”

Yet there was also an undercurrent of anxiety, for it is beginning to dawn on us that there is only one constant in American politics today: Trump loyalists and Republican sycophants will not budge in their support for the president, even if he blows up the whole world and America with it. The unthinkable – a Trump win in 2020 – isn’t as unthinkable as it seemed a year or two ago, even as millions of Americans find themselves a paycheck or two away from homelessness.

Which makes it all the more imperative for democrats to get their act together where it matters – in the corridors of power. Yes, we have the majority in the House, with a record 117 women elected to Congress last November, but that does not automatically translate to a Democrat winning the White House in 2020. Unless a viable Democrat takes on Trump in the presidential race, after the inevitable bruising nomination battle, Trump may very well return for a second term, perpetuating our national nightmare. Democrats must maintain their momentum to 2020. We cannot afford to be divided among ourselves and we must not be distracted by peripheral issues. There is one and only goal: Remove Trump from office by the power of the ballot in 2020.

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