Sunday, January 21, 2018

Women of America Lead the Way

Power, Thy Name is Woman!

If only Shakespeare could attend the wondrous Women’s March in downtown San Jose on January 20, 2018, the Bard would permanently terminate the association between frailty and women.

The thousands of marchers who poured onto the streets across the San Francisco Bay Area on Saturday would recognize one fundamental truth in these dark times under Trump: It is the women of America who will boot the immoral and incompetent Trump and his sycophants out of office soon.

I joined thousands of men in downtown San Jose to march alongside the women who outnumbered us almost 4 to 1. We chanted, “Hey Hey, Ho, Ho, Donald Trump’s Gotta Go!”

When a speaker declared, “It is the women of color who must step up and the Caucasian women who must step aside to take America back from Trump and the Republicans,” everyone – women, men, Caucasian and of color, roared their approval.

More women will be running for office than ever before, from local and state all the way to Congress and Senate, in the upcoming mid-term election on Tuesday, November 6, 2018. Support your local women democrats and raise funds for them.

Listen up, men! This is our chance to redeem ourselves. We turned out to be lazy, careless and fickle. Women will lead the way. Take America back from the fascists. Vote for the women in your district. Walk the precincts, knock on doors, donate money and time. We cannot afford a Republican-dominated Congress and Senate one moment longer. Most of all, we cannot allow a treacherous, reckless and loutish Trump disgrace our nation and take us back to the Dark Ages. Help boot this bum out of office.

Let the protest signs tell the story of the stirring Women’s March in San Jose that I was privileged to attend and photograph on Saturday, 20 January, 2018.

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